Selamat sejahtera semua...

AA : saya nak password fb awak yang satu lagi boleh tak?DD : sekejap lagi ok..."At that time DD were watching movie. His favourite movie. He don't want miss any part of the movie."but suddently...AA : Nak delete message lah tu..."huh? what? Did him doing something like that? why people always think negative without any patient. Without asking anything. They just assuming until one time the person feel so mad to say something. Why don't that person just say "ok, I'll wait for it.. don't be late ok..." why? why should she said like that. It seems like she doesn't trust him anymore."DD : saya tak pernah pun delete semua message saya. awak sendiri pun boleh tengok kat fb yang saya guna skrg ni kan...."The truth is, he like to make calm of himself. Doesn't want to be mad. Doesn't want easily turn into Hulk..."but...AA : sukati awak lah nak cakap ape..."Its feel like thunder smashing his heart. The word are same as WHATEVER and she know that word will banishing everything. Even the situation is not that big mistake but the word make him so much angry. Its like her doesn't want hear anything anymore. What her want is he give that password as soon as she said it."
Seems like some sort of jealousy appears there but I guest, its not a big deal. The thing is just the way of people controlling situation. Thats all. Suddenly I'm keep thinking why people always think negatively at the first thought only then they'll think it positively.
"Keep Smiling"
7 komen sini:
mnusia cmtu la..prasangka buruk bnyk sngt..huhu
neway,kisah kanda wan ke ni?ihik
JELOUSY ? wuuuuhuuu XD
dinda rase?
@ CekbOlat-bOlat :
manusia nie mempunyai sifat suka fikir yg buruk br nak fikir yg baik. dan pada akhirnya yg buruk itu menguasai yg baik.
@ Azmi Khan :
sokong... hehe...
kdg2 dia org fikir negatif sbb terlalu syangkn seseorang tu sehingga dlm kepalanya tkut apa yang tdk diingini brlaku...
@ Az Meeda:
owh... mcm tu ke?
bole jd gk tu... ^_^
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